Thursday, November 27, 2014


Being self-made means working outside the box and traveling on your own rules and timelines.   If this box represents the mundane, success comes best from walking steps (or miles) ahead of this norm with a more global view of life's arena.  This lifestyle can range from being an exciting set of adventures to a maddening roller coaster ride. Another part of that adventure is in dealing with some of the most highly unique characters of the business world as a possible circus of colorful personalities that may take some getting used to.

From moody clients to high-energy vendors to stalky, overzealous salespeople,  we've all had days where the universe brings us the DOOZIES- one right after the next.  Alas- to survive, we MUST be social.  We must connect with the consumer, the client, the lawyer and the accountant.  We need to network and have phone meetings.  We need to negotiate with clients and argue with vendors. If being in the public stream means "dealing" with unique individuals, surviving them means recognizing a short and vital checklist:

- POSITIVE ENHANCEMENT: don't get dragged into their shit, lift them UP and bring out the best from them
- PERSPECTIVE SHIELD: do not let them get the better of you. Be strong and prepare yourself when engaging with people
- NOTHING PERSONAL: keep your emotions and opinions out of the picture.  Taking a personal stance on anything is a portal to get people to your "buttons" and can ultimately bring you down
- BUSINESS FILTER: seek out and identify what is professional and discard the rest
- MOOD CHECKING: always recognize your own levels before interacting publicly.  If you're down, take a moment to re-compose before engaging. This can be the difference between getting what you need and falling into an argument.

 FORBES CASE STUDY: (See complete link) 2014 Leading sales surveys report a whopping 88% of all sales meetings, proposals and presentations end in rejection. 55% of this statistic ends in a lengthy back and forth (ranging from several weeks to 2 months) only to wind up with a frustrating 'no sale'. 35% of all sales reps claim the rejection is based on negative attitude and hostility from either party. 32% of all closed deals lead to unpaid balances and bad debt write-offs. .01% lead to a field rep ending up in a firing squad (see photo insert).


History shows that some of the greatest business owners, innovators, visionaries and "future billionaires" are woven from the same thread of rebellion, unconventionality and profound displeasure for status quo. In retrospect, it has been made perfectly clear to me that if you are a self-made businessperson, (1099's, S-Corp owners etc) you have bought yourself a one way ticket to a community of society's greatest oddballs, starting with your own colleagues- the entrepreneur.  This personality works away from convention and mediocrity- leading only to attract others who are UNIQUE at best.

As you work higher in the food chain of the self-made, expect to swim in shark-infested waters and learn how to work with poker players. This is where FREE is expensive, being the best makes you a target, deals have strings and partnerships are sealed with a legal and binding contract.  

If all this sounds stressful, that's the price to pay for self-made success.

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